
Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Bored Yet?

Bored? Nothing to do? How about trying my Math Problem of the Week? You don't have to be in my Math classes to try it. Just email the answer to me sometime over break ( Think Drop if you get either the Elementary or Middle School POW correct. 2 Think Drops if you get them both correct!

Click here for the Math POW - Problem Of the Week! 

Enjoy your break and see you soon!!
:) Mrs. MacConnell

Friday, April 15, 2011

Happy Spring Break!

I hope everyone has a relaxing and wonderful Spring Break! Enjoy and see you on April 26th.

:) Mrs. Macconnell

PS - Here is a link to the Cadbury Egg Site if you want to "Goo" your house.


Saturday, April 9, 2011

Pick of the Week - Solar System Scope

Solar System Scope is an amazing website I found while surfing the Internet the other day. It is a must see for my Science students since we are currently studying the Solar System in our Astronomy unit. Solar System Scope is a 3D representation of space. You can choose to interact with it in a geocentric view, heliocentric view, or a panoramic view. I love how you can view the constellations in panoramic view, and how the site tells you the distance of planets just by clicking on them.  The best way to experience this site is to just go on it and start playing with it. Make sure to click on a planet to move it all around and view it from all angles. Have fun!

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Pennies for Japan Update!

Our Pennies for Japan project has come to an end and I am so very happy to report that we raised $193.71!! That is 40 pounds in change! We had over 1,500 visitors from 11 different countries! The winning charity was the Japanese Red Cross and I am happy to report that a donation of $200.00 was made this weekend in the name of "Pennies for Japan" Homeroom 236! I am so proud of everyone in Homeroom 236 for all of their kindness and effort shown during this project. We all learned how important it is to help others and how by working together we can accomplish wonderful things.  The students made up great questions, donated and counted a lot of change, helped figure out visitors to our website, and got everyone they know involved by sending emails and telling them about our project. Great job boys and girls! You really can "Change" the world!