
Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Rocks and Minerals

Today we started our first unit in Science - Rocks and Minerals. The students were asked to look at sugar and salt and try to figure out their crystalline shape. After close inspection, most groups came up with hexagonal prism shape for sugar and cubic for salt.

Next the students were given a bag of "mystery rocks and minerals." They were asked to separate them into two categories - rock or mineral. All the groups did well with this and were able to explain to me, using their science vocabulary that they learned the night before, the difference between a rock and a mineral. WELL DONE!!

For the next week or so we will be learning more about rocks and minerals.

Do you have any rocks or minerals at home that you would like to share? Feel free to bring them in.


  1. Dear Class,

    I thought that this lab was really interesting. I learned a lot about rocks and minerals.

    Anna HR 235

  2. Dear Mrs Maconnell,

    I really enjoyed the rocks and minerals experimet you let us do. I am looking forward to the next eperiment.
    Devin F.

    sorry about that previous misppelled comment =(

  3. Dear MacConnel and classmates,
    One of my favorite things to is to look for rocks.So this experiment was a lot of fun.
    From,Jake p.

  4. Dear Ms. MacConnell,

    I enjoyed doing this project. It was fun to look at the shapes of salt and suggar. I also enjoyed looking at the streak of some rocks

    From, Zack

  5. Dear classmates,
    I loved classifying minerals. Now I know what shape salt and sugar are!
    Your Friend,
    Shayna S. HR 235

  6. Dear,Class,

    I loved trying to classify the rocks from the minerals.

    Michael N. Hr 235

  7. Dear Class,
    I had to leave early the day we did the lab on sugar and salt. I wanted to know what we did and now i know what we did frrom this artical.
    Thomas Hr236

  8. Dear Class,
    Even though telling the difference of a rock or mineral is sometimes hard, it was still really fun. I'm glad we did this.
    Your friend,
    Tommie R. HR 236

  9. Dear class,
    This was such a fun exeperiment type of thing, it was cool looking at the salt and sugar crystals through the magnifier.
    Catherine HR236

  10. Dear Class,

    I enjoyed choosing the salt and sugar'shapes. I also learned alot during the experiment.

    Winston HR 236

  11. In the science lesson I liked sorting out the different rocks and minerals.And I also liked seeing the streaks of some rocks such as talc, diamonds, and corumdum.

  12. Dear Class,

    When I first started doing this, I didn't really understand.But now that I've read this article,I think I understand a bit better.

    Andy Hr236

  13. Dear Class,

    I had so much fun doing this classifying the minerals from the rocks.

    Andy Hr236


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