My daughter just finished a 4 week computer camp at her school. The class was suppose to teach her a form of computer programming well enough that she would be able to design her own computer games after only 4 sessions. I was skeptical. Sure enough though, she came home on the last day with not one but several games she had created. Although the camp used many different resources, the main form of computer language she learned was Scratch. Scratch was developed with the help of people from MIT. It is easy, fun, and students will learn valuable computer programming skills. The best part is that it is a free download. CLICK HERE TO DOWNLOAD SCRATCH. If your child needs assistance there are loads of helpful videos on YouTube, and instructions and helpful tutorials right on the site. Here is one I found on the Scratch site (Click Here), you must first download Scratch to view it. Let me know if you make any games and I will post them to my web page! Have fun!!